Friday, December 19, 2008


Rob left for Salt Lake this weekend for Brant's wedding - so naturally I had to keep myself busy shopping at the mall to pass some time & I learned something kinda funny about myself. 

I stopped by Macy's to look at curtains (hmm which I never got to) and I wasn't planning on it but I walked by the men's department-- I was knocked over by the strong scent of masculinity.

So then I was willingly seduced into the men's department and then felt the need to browse and was even tempted to buy random ties and shirts that I know Rob would probably roll his eyes at. Why? I absolutely love men's cologne.  And while some people may be annoyed at the strong scent of 284579 bottles of cologne I must confess that I think it's the sexiest thing ever!  I don't normally love men's shopping-probably because my husband hates shopping for clothes and doesn't really love anything that I pick out for him but last night I didn’t mind browsing in the cologne-saturated Macy’s.

I didn't realize that I was cologne obsessed but now that I think about it--this probably trickles down from my dad who is also cologne obsessed. I swear he had 3-4 bottles of different scents in the medicine cabinet growing up. And I think one of the first gifts I gave Rob was a pimped out cologne set which he still has 4 1/2 years later, I guess he's not as crazy about it as I am. haha, It's amazing how many ah hah! Moments I still have about myself...


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